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In raising crickets for meat consumption, the growth rate and growth period of crickets are important data used to identify the number of crickets per breeding area at each age. Therefore, the researcher has an idea to create a system for monitoring the growth rate of crickets in a closed system using an infrared camera combined with computer image processing to study the growth and identify the growth period of crickets at each age in order to obtain knowledge that can be disseminated to farmers to improve the breeding process for maximum efficiency.
The extreme weathers according to PM 2.5 is a global problem with out any borders. This pollutant can directly attack human health. The objective of the study was aimed to develop medicinal plant essential oil emulsions in order to use to decrease PM 2.5 based on chemical characterization of water-soluble anions and cations. A mount of 31 medicinal plant essential oil emulsions were prepared and then initially careened and tested for their efficiency in reducing PM 2.5 under test chamber by spraying method. It was found that spraying for 1 hr with kaffir lime essential oil emulsion at 0.025% concentration could reduce PM 2.5 obtained from engine exhaust pipe effectively when PM 2.5 of 24.7 µg/m3 was detected within 6 hrs, followed by kaffir lime essential oil emulsion at 0.05% and Eucalyptus essential oil emulsion at 0.05% and 0.025% concentration resulting in 27.3, 30.0 and 95.3 µg/m3, respectively. Whereas, water (blank) and control group (water and carboxymethylcellulose, CMC 0.2%) showed high revels of PM 2.5 with 126.4 and 157.3 µg/m3, respectively. This kaffir lime essential oil emulsion at 0.025% concentration showed 3-6 time decline of PM 2.5 upward 2 hrs compared with control group. Field experiment was performed at 3 Bangkok parks, namely, Suantaweewanarom, Suanbankharepirom and Suanthonbureerom. There were many factors affecting the decline of PM 2.5 caused by this essential oil emulsion, particularly, the windy as well as temperature and humidity. PM 2.5 level tended to be decreased after the beginning of spraying. In general, PM 2.5 levels appeared at those 3 parks were decreased rapidly within 1 hr as by average of 21.8 (7.7-27.3) µg/m3, Whereas, decline of only 6.4 (5.0-8.0) µg/m3 was observed in control (water). Incase of calm wind, (10-20 km/hr) this plant essential oil emulsion could even reduce PM 2.5 at 37.0-44.0 µg/m3 and reached to 13.5-16.5 µg/m3 within 3 hrs. As high level of PM 2.5 as 98.0-101.0 µg/m3 , it could reduce PM 2.5 to be an average of 23.0-26.5 µg/m3 within 3 hrs, Whereas, the use of water performed low capacity of PM 2.5 reduction found with only 31.0-40.0 µg/m3. However, windy condition (15-35 km/hr), the efficacy of this essential oil emulsion seem to be lower but tended to work better than using water alone
Durian is an important economic crop in Thailand that is affected by foliar diseases such as rust, leaf blight, and leaf spot. These diseases reduce the quality of the yield and increase management costs. This research focuses on developing AI software for screening durian leaf diseases by applying deep learning technology to classify different types of leaf lesions.
Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) is an ornamental fish that is the first exported economically valuable fish in the country, but there is a limitation to increase the production of betta fish due to climate variability and the shortage of Thai workers. This research aims to develop 2 systems: a betta fish fry nursery system and a market-sized betta fish rearing system by using automated technology to precisely control the water quality in the system and reduce labor costs. Using precise automation consists of two systems: a minimal-waste system, which repurposes some of the waste generated from farming, and a zero-waste system, which treats and recycles all wastewater from farming. These systems aim to address issues related to water quality, animal welfare, and labor requirements in Betta fish farming. Experimental results show that these systems improve Betta fish survival rates by 10-15% compared to traditional methods. When considering net returns, the zero- waste system provides the highest profitability.
The designing of mosquitoes counting system instrument is presented in this work. The mosquitoes that were counted died in order not to measure duplicate counting data. As soon as the input source counting machine can detect the mosquito, the single trigger signal is transmitted to the IOT system to interrupt the server immediately. The number of real mosquito is not transmitting to the IOT but only a signal to interrupt the server. The server records the number of the interrupt signal with real-time clock. Then the interrupt information will be further handled. The front end counting machine consist of the high voltage generate with the suitable voltage value and electrode distance for the required mosquitoes size. The low trigger pulse signals of the mosquitoes killed by high voltage are sending to the controller unit. Immediately, interrupt counting signal of the number of mosquitoes is sent to the big stream data collection on IOT system by the time stamp technique. Form the measurement results, 10 live sample mosquitoes in a limited space box to fly though the counting machine show that the count results are 100% correct count.
Clean Fuel Vehicle Performance Test Service Unit provides performance and efficiency testing services for electric vehicles and vehicles using petroleum fuels, including being a prototype for research projects on clean fuel energy that is environmentally friendly. The main testing tools are the Chassis Dynamometer and the Engine Combustion Exhaust Analyzer. The service unit provides measurement and testing services in accordance with the announcement of the Department of Land Transport on determining the power of electric motors used to drive vehicles according to the Motor Vehicle Act B.E. 2563 for all types of electric vehicles, such as modified electric motorcycles, modified electric tuk-tuks, and modified electric cars, etc.
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This work attempts to spark conversations about the technical and creative aspects of participatory concert settings. It features the results of two interactive research concerts on basis of audience participation quantities, motion analysis and log data clustering. Ultimately, it poses questions how participatory work can help when teaching interactive technology for the arts and beyond.
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The forest firefighting suit consists of the following components and uses: The forest firefighting suit is designed and developed to be suitable for the behavior of the officers and the conditions of the work area, consisting of a shirt and pants. The material used in the sewing of the suit is aramid fabric, which has the property of being able to prevent the spread of fire, to prevent the officers from burning while performing their duties in the event that the forest fire spreads close to them, which is different from the current suits that cannot prevent fires. The shirt is designed with a mesh on the side of the body to release internal heat so that air can circulate well. The sleeves at the elbows have a support point to prevent contact with the ground or obstacles. The collar has a slot for a portable fan and a fan air circulation channel on the back, which can be turned on while performing forest firefighting duties, helping to prevent the body temperature from getting too hot, reducing the risk of heatstroke. When the fan battery runs out, it can be removed for charging and put back in when needed. The pants are designed with mesh on the inside or in blind spots to release internal heat so that air can circulate well. The pants at the knees have a support point to prevent contact with the ground or obstacles. The forest firefighting suit, consisting of a shirt and pants, has been designed and developed to be able to be produced domestically, reducing imports from abroad