KMITL Innovation Expo 2025 Logo

Healthcare Innovations

Sustainable conservation and utilization of Melaleuca cajuputi Powell


Sustainable conservation and utilization of Melaleuca cajuputi Powell

This research investigates the traditional knowledge, biological characteristics, and bioactive compounds of Melaleuca cajuputi Powell, with a focus on its conservation and sustainable utilization. The study encompasses its applications in agriculture, healthcare, and bioenergy.

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Telemedicine App


Telemedicine App

Telemedicine App is a prototype system that provides basic functions for communicating diagnosis between patients, nurses, and doctors via video conferencing. The system is contains different diagnostic room and it allows recording patient information. It is an open source for others to extend for further development.

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Albumin Smart Test : Innovative device for screening of kidney disease by mobile phone


Albumin Smart Test : Innovative device for screening of kidney disease by mobile phone

Albumin Smart Test is an innovative device for screening of kidney disease by mobile phone. The device composes of (1) container and testing device with specific reagents for the albumin detection. (2) The mobile phone, installed with "Albumin smart test" application. The test is started by dropping patient urine and the reagent. Color of the product is occurred and is captured by the application with subsequent evaluation of the albumin amount. The results is displayed on screen within 3 mins. This innovative device is simple, rapid and user-friendly.

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Nanocellulose innovation for the beauty industry


Nanocellulose innovation for the beauty industry

Agricultural products and by-products are important raw materials in various industries including cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Agro-based fibers have the composition, properties and structure that make them suitable for uses as composite-cosmetic industry. Upon microwave digestion, cellulose have been successfully synthesized into nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) with lengths from 50-1000 nm, widths between 5-70 nm. Nanocrystalline cellulose was grafted with cosmetic active ingredients such as glycerin), sodium hyaluronate), glycolic acid, and nicotinamide. The beauty active ingredients attached nanocelluloses can penetrate through the skin to enhance beauty and youth.

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The "PRIVARY" product is an innovative herbal jelly beverage designed to support weight management and promote health through the benefits of four Thai herbs: roselle, safflower, chrysanthemum, and bitter melon. These herbs are rich in active compounds such as flavonoids, beta-carotene, and anthocyanins, which help reduce blood lipids, prevent inflammation, and exhibit antioxidant properties. The product emphasizes convenience and caters to health-conscious consumers using advanced production techniques like Inverse and External Gelation to create spheres encapsulating key bioactive compounds. Additionally, the product aligns with sustainability goals by enhancing the value of Thai herbs and supporting local communities.

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Evenly Distributed Temperature Controlled Medical Refrigerator


Evenly Distributed Temperature Controlled Medical Refrigerator

Evenly Distributed Temperature Controlled Medical Refrigerator is the medical refrigerator which equipped with specialized control system to control the cold air distribution within the chamber to have the same temperature along the different height within the chamber.

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Attributes prediction of biocomposite scaffold made from 3D printing using a finite element analysis


Attributes prediction of biocomposite scaffold made from 3D printing using a finite element analysis

Bone tissue scaffolds are made from biomaterials that support rapid repair and healing. Scaffold fabricators have produced materials that are able to degrade a biosystem or human body excellently. Thus, this work aims to study the optimization of materials, shape, and the 3D printing process with FDM. Finite element analysis is also used to predict mechanical properties of the scaffold and find the optimal shape and pore size. However, the materials studied include PLA, PCL, and HA.

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Mulberry Kefir Prebiotic Plus


Mulberry Kefir Prebiotic Plus

Mulberry Kefir is a fermented drink made from ripe mulberry fruit, made from ripe mulberry juice. Its pinkish-red color is the color of the natural anthocyanin in mulberries. Anthocyanins have antioxidant properties and contain the prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharides, the probiotic microorganisms Lactobacillus and Saccharomeces. It has a sweet and sour taste, is fizzy and has a little alcohol. The taste and fizz come from production technology, which uses a fermentation process from microorganisms. Mulberry kefir is considered a functional beverage made from plants (Plant Based Beverage), suitable for people who are lactose intolerant and those who do not consume beverages made from milk. It makes you feel refreshed after drinking it.

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