This project aims to develop a conceptual prototype of a weapon aiming system that simulates an anti-aircraft gun. Utilizing an optical camera, the system detects moving objects and calculates their trajectories in real time. The results are then used to control a motorized laser pointer with two degrees of freedom (DoF) of rotation, enabling it to aim at the predicted position of the target. Our system is built on the Raspberry Pi platform, employing machine vision software. The object motion tracking functionality was developed using the OpenCV library, based on color detection algorithms. Experimental results indicate that the system successfully detects the movement of a tennis ball at a rate of 30 frames per second (fps). The current phase involves designing and integratively testing the mechanical system for precise laser pointer position control. This project exemplifies the integration of knowledge in electronics (computer programming) and mechanical engineering (motor control).
โปรเจคนี้เกิดจากความสนใจในการพัฒนาระบบที่มีการผสมผสานของ Machine Vision และระบบความคุมกลไกมอเตอร์ 2 แกนแบบ Degrees of Freedom(DoF) เพื่อพัฒนาอุปกรณ์ต้นแบบที่สามารถตรวจจับ ติดตาม และเล็งเป้าหมายได้อย่างมีแม่นยำ ซึ่งหวังเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่าโปรเจคนี้จะมีประโยชน์ต่องานในอนาคตต่างๆที่เกี่ยวข้อง ไม่ว่าจะเป็น ทางการทหาร ทางการแพทย์ หรือทางอุตสาหกรรม
This aimed to 1) develop an effective augmented reality (AR) media integrated with the metaverse to enhance English phonics and communication skills. 2) To evaluate English pronunciation skills using augmented reality media integrated with the metaverse, and 3) To assess English communication skills through interactions within the metaverse. The sample group comprised 120 Grade 4 students from two classrooms in the first semester of the 2024 academic year, selected through cluster random sampling and divided into experimental and control groups. The research instruments included AR media sets, media quality assessment forms, phonics tests, and English communication skills assessment forms, administered before and after the learning intervention. Data analysis employed mean (x ̅), standard deviation (S), t-tests for independent samples, and one-way analysis of variance (Multivariate Analysis of Variance: One-Way MANOVA) to compare mean score differences between the experimental and control groups. Results indicated that the overall quality of the AR media kit with the metaverse was rated at a very high level (x ̅= 4.80, S.D. = 0.12). Evaluating specific aspects showed that the content quality was at the highest level (x ̅= 4.92, S.D. = 0.07), while the media production technique also rated highly (x ̅ = 4.70, S.D. = 0.17). Furthermore, the English pronunciation and communication skills of the Grade 4 students using the AR media with the metaverse were significantly higher after the intervention compared to before, the overall quality of the AR media integrated with the metaverse was rated at the highest level (x ̅= 4.80, S.D. = 0.12). For individual aspects, content quality was rated at the highest level (x ̅= 4.92, S.D. = 0.07), and media production techniques were also rated at the highest level (x ̅ = 4.70, S.D. = 0.17). Comparing the mean scores of English pronunciation and communication skills between the two groups, it was found that the experimental group using AR media integrated with the metaverse demonstrated significantly higher English pronunciation skills than the control group (F(1, 89) = 3261.422, p = 0.001, Partial η² = 0.98). Additionally, the experimental group exhibited significantly higher English communication skills than the control group (F(1, 89) = 4239.365, p = 0.001, Partial η² = 0.98). These results aligned with the research hypothesis that "Grade 4 students’ English pronunciation and communication skills post-learning with AR media integrated with the metaverse would significantly improve compared to their pre-learning levels at the .05 level of significance.
This special problem aims to study and compare the performance of predicting the air quality index (AQI) using five ensemble machine learning methods: random forest, XGBoost, CatBoost, stacking ensemble of random forest and XGBoost, and stacking ensemble of random forest, SVR, and MLP. The study uses a dataset from the Central Pollution Control Board of India (CPCB), which includes fifteen pollutants and nine meteorological variables collected between January, 2021 and December, 2023. In this study, there were 1,024,920 records. The performance is measured using three methods: root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and coefficient of determination. The study found that the random forest and XGBoost stacking ensemble had the best performance measures among the three methods, with the minimum RMSE of 0.1040, the minimum MAE of 0.0675, and the maximum of 0.8128. SHAP-based model interpretation method for five machine learning methods. All methods reached the same conclusion: the two variables that most significantly impacted the global prediction were PM2.5 and PM10, respectively.
คณะสถาปัตยกรรม ศิลปะและการออกแบบ
Design a graphic concept for a vending machine and its surrounding area (5x6 meters) featuring INGU skincare products