KMITL Innovation Expo 2025 Logo

Spirt of thailand

Spirt of thailand




ประเทศไทยเป็นแหล่งผลิตผลไม้เมืองร้อนที่มีคุณภาพสูง โดยเฉพาะ มะม่วงน้ำดอกไม้สีทอง ซึ่งเป็นผลไม้ที่ได้รับการยอมรับในด้านรสชาติและคุณภาพ มะม่วงที่ปลูกในอำเภอคลองเขื่อน จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา ได้รับอิทธิพลจากดินตะกอนและน้ำกร่อย ทำให้มีเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะตัว อย่างไรก็ตาม ผลผลิตที่ไม่ได้มาตรฐานสำหรับการส่งออกมักถูกทิ้งหรือนำไปใช้ในอุตสาหกรรมอื่นที่มีมูลค่าต่ำ เพื่อเพิ่มมูลค่าให้กับมะม่วงเหล่านี้ นักวิจัยจากสถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง (KMITL) ได้นำองค์ความรู้ด้าน เทคโนโลยีการหมัก มาประยุกต์ใช้ โดยนำ มะม่วงหมักกับหัวเชื้อเฉพาะ เพื่อให้ได้ผลิตภัณฑ์ Mango Cider Vinegar ซึ่งเป็นกระบวนการที่ได้รับสิทธิบัตร หลังจากนั้นผลิตภัณฑ์ดังกล่าวได้รับการพัฒนาจนเป็น Sparkling Mango Cider Vinegar ซึ่งเป็นนวัตกรรมที่มีศักยภาพในการเข้าสู่ตลาดเครื่องดื่มเพื่อสุขภาพระดับพรีเมียม

Other Innovations

Planted filter with Golden apple snail&Green caviar


Planted filter with Golden apple snail&Green caviar

The reason of this project is How to make water system during breeding Golden apple snail&Green caviar with limitation area. Make sure that waterfowl system can work

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Eco-Smart Noise and Vibration Absorption Block for Railway


Eco-Smart Noise and Vibration Absorption Block for Railway

Nowadays, rail transportation has a significant impact on people's lives and economic growth. Consequently, the number of rail systems being built around our country has dramatically increased. This process causes various types of pollution, such as noise and rail-way vibration, which can badly affect the life of citizens who live nearby. The most popular way to solve this problem recently is to decrease the noise from the sound source or to adjust the vibration by attaching a Track Damper to the railway. This technique is being used in many countries especially in Europe and Australia because it is cheap and has high efficiency. The key piece called Track Dampers are made by AUT company’s Thailand for a period of time. The company produces Track Dampers for the owner of the technology so as to sell more than 300,000 pieces of it overseas. Furthermore, the demand of Track Dampers grows as the railway systems expand. Unfortunately, the imported synthetic materials, which are used to create Track Dampers, are made from environmentally unfriendly sources. As a result, this research aims to develop the product to be environmentally-safe by replacing some imported materials with Thai’s local content; which are natural rubber and rubber crumbs. Furthermore, the product will be added value by mounting with embedded sensors for real-time monitoring of track vibration, noise, and rail temperature. All embedded devices developed will sense, collect, and automatically send to cloud by wireless technology platform. The AI and IOT platform will also be developed for safety, security, and maintenance proposed of railway track system. However, in conducting research, there will be close collaboration with AUT company through design, production, and testing. The outcome of this research is to upgrade AUT company from tier 2 manufacturer (TRL 8-9) to tier 1 manufacturer (TRL 7-8) which will be served the Thailand competitiveness enhancing strategic goal.

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CFD—Assisted Expert System for N2-Controlled Atmosphere Process of Rice Storage Silos


CFD—Assisted Expert System for N2-Controlled Atmosphere Process of Rice Storage Silos

Since organic rice storage silos were faced with an insect problem, an owner solved this problem using the expert system (ES) in the controlled atmosphere process (CAP) under the required standard, fumigating insects with an N2, reducing O2 concentration to less than 2% for 21 days. This article presents the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) assisted ES successfully solved this problem. First, CFD was employed to determine the gas flow pattern, O2 concentration, proper operating conditions, and a correction factor (K) of silos. As expected, CFD results were consistent with the experimental results and theory, assuring the CFD’s credibility. Significantly, CFD results revealed that the ES controlled N2 distribution throughout the silos and effectively reduced O2 concentration to meet the requirement. Next, the ES was developed based on the inference engine assisted by CFD results and the sweep-through purging principle, and it was implemented in the CAP. Last, the experiments evaluated CAP’s efficacy in controlling O2 concentration and insect extermination in the actual silos. The experimental results and owner’s feedback confirmed the excellent efficacy of ES implementation; therefore, the CAP is effective and practical. The novel aspect of this research is a CFD methodology to create the inference engine and the ES.

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