KMITL Innovation Expo 2025 Logo

Serene Arbor Park

Serene Arbor Park


The design of a 50-rai public park in the Lat Krabang district of Bangkok aims to provide a recreational space for urban residents in Lat Krabang and nearby areas. The focus is on user groups such as students, university students, and working individuals, incorporating the concept of Universal Design to ensure that everyone in society can use the space equally. However, there is still an emphasis on creating active recreational areas to meet the sports and exercise needs of students, university students, and working individuals. The design of the Lat Krabang area, which is a low-lying region resembling a basin, includes features for water retention, water management, and water treatment for use within the park. The area will focus on exercise, sports, running, walking, relaxation, and educational garden spaces.


เพื่อศึกษาการออกแบบพื้นที่สีเขียวในเขตเมืองที่มีประชากรหนาแน่น เพื่อให้ยังคงอนุรักษ์พื้นที่สีเขียวและพัฒนาพื้นที่ให้เป็นพื้นที่พักผ่อนหย่อมใจ ของประชากร และเพื่อการศึกษาพฤติกรรมมนุษย์ สภาพแวดล้อม และการออกแบบภูมิทัศน์

Other Innovations

Composite High-Pressure Tanks for CNG  and Hydrogen (H₂)


Composite High-Pressure Tanks for CNG and Hydrogen (H₂)

A high-pressure gas storage tank made from composite materials, including carbon fiber, resin, and plastic, is designed for storing compressed natural gas (CNG) or hydrogen. This type of tank is classified as a Type IV high-pressure vessel. In this research, it is designed to operate at a pressure of 250 bar for the transportation of compressed natural gas.

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Innovation in commercial vertical set of golden apple snails  as environmentally friendly using an aquaponics system


Innovation in commercial vertical set of golden apple snails as environmentally friendly using an aquaponics system

The innovation of the vertical aquaponics system for rearing golden apple snails integrating with vegetable cultivation by using substrates to water treatment. The system aims to maximize the use of vertical space, save water, and produce safe vegetables for consumption or commercial purposes, and to support living things. The golden apple snail excretes wastes/leftover food scraps that are filtered on the substrates used for water treatment. Meanwhile, natural bacteria help change these wastes into nutrients that plants can use. Therefore, the system is environmentally friendly.

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Stirling Engine System for Green Energy


Stirling Engine System for Green Energy

Stirling engine is the external heated engine that heat is sup-plied externally to the heater part of the engine. Thus, Stirling cycle engine can be employed with various sources of renewable energy such as biomass, biofuel, solar energy, geothermal energy, recovery heat, and waste. The integration of gasifier, burner, and heat engine as a power system offers more fuel choices of each local area with potential resources resulting independent from shortage and cost fluctuation of fossil fuel. This research aims to investigate the integration of the Stirling engine with a wood pellet gasifier for electric power generation. Biomass can be controlled to have continuously combustion with ultra-low toxic emission. Stirling engine, therefore, is a promising alternative in small-scale-electricity production. Even though many biomass-powered Stirling engines were successfully constructed and marketed but these engines and the use of biomass resources as fuel for power generation are quite new concepts in some developing countries. Especially, the capital cost of this engine is high and unaffordable for installation compared to other power systems. Therefore, this research aims to the study attractive and feasibility of the compact Stirling engine with green energy.

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