KMITL Innovation Expo 2025 Logo

Self Doubt


A Photographic series that expresses the abstract states of myself, towards the question of existence that results from being surrounded by expectations of both surrender and freedom of expression, this series focuses on my own subjectivities in order to bring back memories of almost forgotten feelings and make them clear once more.


การที่เติบโตมาจากครอบครัวที่คาดหวังในตัวเรา ที่สมาชิกคาดหวังในตัวเราไม่เหมือนกัน ถ้าเราทำแบบใดแบบหนึ่งที่คนใดคนหนึ่งต้องการอีกคนจะไม่พอใจ จนเราเกิดสงสัยว่าเราต้องเป็นแบบไหน เมื่อเข้ามาอยู่ในสังคมใหม่ทำให้เราตั้งคำถามกับตนเองเมื่อเข้าหาผู้คนว่าเราต้องเป็นไปแบบที่เขาต้องการหรือเปล่าเราถึงจะเข้าถึงเขาได้ ทำให้เราสับสนกับตัวเองและต้องสร้างตัวตนใหม่ไปตามที่คนคนนั้นพอใจ จนเราเองเริ่มเกิดคำถามว่าจริงๆแล้วตัวตนของเราจริงๆเป็นแบบไหน

Other Innovations

Prototypal Community Center for Bangkok's Future Net Zero Ambitions

คณะสถาปัตยกรรม ศิลปะและการออกแบบ

Prototypal Community Center for Bangkok's Future Net Zero Ambitions

This project is a carbon safe haven of Bangkok, aspiring to be the prototypal gateway of the future's carbon net zero ambitions. The project aims to answer the fundamental "flaw" of the existing urban fabric, still being extremely inefficient and highly polluting. Conversely, Carbon Oasis would not only create its own energy, but look to provide its excess energy and water surplus' back to the city and its surroundings. Taking parts of the existing city and implementing new concepts to inspire a change in the urban fabric and its people.

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Durian Web-based Learning Hub: Online Durian Farming Learning Platform


Durian Web-based Learning Hub: Online Durian Farming Learning Platform

Efficient durian orchard development requires integrating knowledge, technology, and innovation from farmers and academics to cope with environmental changes and market demands. The Durian Web-based Learning Hub is an online learning platform developed to serve as a central hub for knowledge transfer from experts and as a space for experience exchange among farmers. Users can access learning resources conveniently and continuously. This platform is part of the Innovation Project for Production and Marketing Information Management Innovation for Enhancing the Quality of Durian Production Entering into Premium Markets, supported by the Program Management Unit for Area-Based Development (PMUA)

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Study of using ceramic tile powder instead of cement


Study of using ceramic tile powder instead of cement

This study focuses on the use of ceramic tile powder as a cement replacement material in concrete at an appropriate ratio. The objective is to investigate the properties of replacing cement with tile powder and to determine the optimal mixing ratio of tile powder in cement mortar that can yield properties equivalent to or superior to conventional cement mortar. The experiment involved preparing cement mortar samples by replacing cement with two types of ceramic tile powder waste from tile manufacturing plants: waste tile powder and rectified tile powder. The mixing process was divided into two parts: Part 1 used a cement and tile powder ratio, while Part 2 used the results of the strength analysis from Part 1 to adjust the ratio accordingly. Various properties were tested, including specific gravity, normal consistency, setting time, tensile strength, and compressive strength. The results of the study revealed that replacing of cement with rectified tile powder provided the highest tensile and compressive strength, comparable to that of conventional cement mortar. Therefore, the use of ceramic tile powder as a replacement can enhance compressive strength while reducing cement usage, which has positive environmental implications by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from cement production. Furthermore, this approach promotes the effective use of waste materials from the ceramic industry, contributing to the sustainability of the construction industry.

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