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Comparison of the efficiency of nano-type oxygen concentrators with bundle size different pump crates in sea bass nursery ponds


This research aims to evaluate the efficiency of nano-type oxygen diffusers at different pump power levels in sea bass nursery ponds. The study examines how varying power levels affect dissolved oxygen distribution in the water and their impact on the health, growth, and survival rates of sea bass. The findings indicate that pump power levels influence dissolved oxygen concentration, with the optimal power level improving oxygen distribution in the pond. This enhancement leads to higher survival and growth rates for sea bass. The results provide valuable insights for selecting appropriate oxygen diffusers and pump power levels in fish nursery pond systems. The experiment consisted of two conditions: 1. Without fish – This condition assessed the oxygenation capacity, oxygen transfer coefficient, oxygen transfer rate, and oxygen transfer efficiency of pumps at three different power levels. 2. With fish – This condition evaluated whether the oxygen supplied by pumps at three power levels was sufficient, based on the growth rate and survival rate of the fish in the pond. Blood counts were conducted to assess the immune response. The collected data were statistically analyzed using the RCBD method for the condition without fish and the CRD method for the condition with fish, employing SPSS software.


ประเทศไทยได้ประสบปัญหาในเรื่องของภัยธรรมชาติ ปัญหาการเปลี่ยนเเปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ โดยเฉพาะปัญหาอุทกภัยและภัยเเล้ง สภาพอากาศแปรปรวน และยังมีปัญหาในด้านการทำประมงที่จำกัดดังนั้นการทำฟาร์มเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำเเบบลดความเสี่ยงจึงเป็นทางออกในการรักษาความมั่นคงของอาหาร ในปัจจุบันปลาที่สามารถปรับตัวให้อยู่ในน้ำจืดหรือน้ำกร่อยได้และเป็นที่นิยมในการรับประทานได้เเก่ปลากะพงขาว เนื่องจากเลี้ยงง่ายโตเร็ว เนื้อปลารสชาติดี และมีราคาสูงพอคุ้มค่ากับการลงทุน โดยศึกษาจากการใช้อุปกรณ์สร้างออกซิเจนชนิดหัวนาโนบับเบิ้ลเพื่อศึกษาว่าอุปกรณ์ให้ออกซิเจนชนิดหัวนาโนกับขนาดกำลังปั๊มน้ำที่ต่างกันขนาดใดมีความสามารถทำให้ออกซิเจนละลายในน้ำดีมากที่สุด อัตราการถ่ายเทออกซิเจนในน้ำ ค่าสัมประสิทธิ์ออกซิเจนที่ละลายในน้ำได้มีประสิทธิภาพมากที่สุด วัดความเจริญเติบโต อัตรารอดของปลากะพงและภูมิคุ้มกันของปลากะพง ประสิทธิภาพในการให้ ออกซิเจน ในบ่ออนุบาลปลากะพงได้ดีที่สุดและมีผลกระทบน้อยมากที่สุด

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คณะสถาปัตยกรรม ศิลปะและการออกแบบ


A natural representation of new beginnings.

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This research confirms the potential of bamboo fiber as a sustainable raw material for the textile industry, demonstrating exceptional properties that meet both functional requirements and environmental friendliness. The study focuses on integrating sustainability concepts with material innovation, encompassing fiber property analysis, production process development, and product design. The research objectives were to: 1) develop the properties of bamboo fiber for production; 2) study factors in designing environmentally friendly textile products from bamboo fiber; and 3) forecast future prospects for environmentally friendly textile product design using bamboo fiber. The findings revealed that 60-day-old bamboo possessed optimal properties for fiber separation, with an average fiber size of 5.32 μm, smaller than other natural fibers, resulting in superior moisture absorption and ventilation properties. When blended with recycled polyester fiber in a 30:70 ratio, the yarn exhibited strength and unique tactile characteristics. Although the antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus were low, the fibers demonstrated excellent whiteness and softness. Factor analysis identified four key components in product design: Local Materials, Green Products, Healthy, and Sustainability. Consumer satisfaction evaluation of the prototype products showed high levels of acceptance, with the model explaining 84.7% of consumer satisfaction. The developed production process reduced chemical usage and hazardous waste. Furthermore, utilizing fast-growing bamboo minimized long-term environmental impact, contributing to sustainable development in Thailand's rural communities across economic, environmental, and occupational stability dimensions. The research demonstrates that developing bamboo fiber blended with recycled polyester creates sustainable products that meet consumer demands for health consciousness, local material utilization, and green product promotion. Commercial implementation of these products can enhance economic value and promote environmentally friendly product development in the future.

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Effect of freshness preservation methods of Threadfin breams (Nemipterus furcosus) from small scale fisheries on quality for sashimi.


Effect of freshness preservation methods of Threadfin breams (Nemipterus furcosus) from small scale fisheries on quality for sashimi.

Threadfin breams is an economically important fish that can be found in fisheries in both the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea and is cheap. In addition, the consumption of raw fish as sashimi is increasingly popular in Thailand. Therefore, it is necessary to promote its consumption to increase its value. This study investigated the preservation of threadfin breams (N. furcosus) for raw or sashimi consumption. The preservation of threadfin breams consisted of Ikejime (K) and cold seawater (S) methods, and the preservation of the fish by Gutting (G) and whole (W) and storing for 3 days on ice (I) or in a refrigerator (F). The freshness quality of threadfin breams was evaluated by sensory, physicochemical (TVB-N, TMA-N and pH), freshness index (Ki-value) and microbiological methods. It was found that after being stored for 3 days, the KGF group of threadfin breams had the highest overall sensory score, which was 8.36±0.80 points, and the KWI, SWI and SWF groups of threadfin breams had the lowest overall sensory scores, which were 8.13±0.77, 8.13±0.77 and 8.13±0.81 points, respectively. And the overall sensory scores of all experimental groups of fish increased significantly (p<0.05). The TVB-N value of threadfin breams in KGF group had the lowest TVB-N value, which was 1.37±0.93 mg nitrogen/100 g sample. The threadfin breams in SGI group had the highest TVB-N value, which was 2.36±1.15 mg nitrogen/100 g sample. The TVB-N of fish in all experimental groups increased significantly (p<0.05). The TMA-N value of threadfin breams in KGF group had the lowest TMA-N value, which was 1.56±0.88 mg nitrogen/100 g sample. The threadfin breams in SWF group had the highest TMA-N value, which was 2.17±1.22 mg nitrogen/100 g sample. The TMA-N of fish in all experimental groups increased significantly (p<0.05). The pH value of threadfin breams in KGF group had the lowest pH value, which was 6.40±0.12. The threadfin breams in SWF group had the highest pH value, which was 6.78±0.25. The pH of fish in all experimental groups increased significantly (p<0.05). Ki value The threadfin breams in KGF group had the lowest Ki value, which was 9.05±0.73%. The threadfin breams in KWI group had the highest Ki value, which was 12.88±4.19%. The Ki value of all experimental groups of fish increased without statistical significance (p>0.05). In terms of freshness quality in microbiology, it was found that in all experimental groups, Salmonella spp., S. aureus, B. cereus, C. perfringens and E. coli were found in all experimental groups of threadfin breams. All types of microorganisms in all groups of threadfin breams increased with statistical significance (p<0.05). When compared with the freshness quality criteria in terms of sensory, chemical, physical, freshness index and microbiology, it was found that all groups of threadfin breams were very fresh and suitable for raw consumption during the preservation and storage for 3 days. After 3 days of storage, the threadfin breams should be consumed cooked because the freshness quality of the fish is not suitable for raw consumption due to the increase in various parameters. The increase in various parameters is due to the deterioration of the fish and the activities of microorganisms. Therefore, threadfin breams is suitable to promote raw consumption within 3 days of storage. In addition, fish preservation, especially by Ikejime method, then cutting open the belly and storing in the refrigerator, can help improve the freshness of the fish. The results of this study can be used to develop techniques for preserving fish after capture for fishermen and can promote the increase in the value of threadfin breams in the future.

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