Since organic rice storage silos were faced with an insect problem, an owner solved this problem using the expert system (ES) in the controlled atmosphere process (CAP) under the required standard, fumigating insects with an N2, reducing O2 concentration to less than 2% for 21 days. This article presents the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) assisted ES successfully solved this problem. First, CFD was employed to determine the gas flow pattern, O2 concentration, proper operating conditions, and a correction factor (K) of silos. As expected, CFD results were consistent with the experimental results and theory, assuring the CFD’s credibility. Significantly, CFD results revealed that the ES controlled N2 distribution throughout the silos and effectively reduced O2 concentration to meet the requirement. Next, the ES was developed based on the inference engine assisted by CFD results and the sweep-through purging principle, and it was implemented in the CAP. Last, the experiments evaluated CAP’s efficacy in controlling O2 concentration and insect extermination in the actual silos. The experimental results and owner’s feedback confirmed the excellent efficacy of ES implementation; therefore, the CAP is effective and practical. The novel aspect of this research is a CFD methodology to create the inference engine and the ES.
การเก็บรักษาข้าวใน ไซโลเก็บข้าวอินทรีย์ เป็นแนวทางสำคัญในการรักษาคุณภาพข้าวและลดการสูญเสียหลังการเก็บเกี่ยว อย่างไรก็ตาม ปัญหาการปนเปื้อนของแมลงศัตรูข้าว เป็นอุปสรรคสำคัญที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อคุณภาพและความปลอดภัยของข้าว โดยทั่วไป การกำจัดแมลงในไซโลมักใช้สารรมยาเคมี เช่น ฟอสฟีน (PH₃) หรือ เมทิลโบรไมด์ (CH₃Br) ซึ่งอาจก่อให้เกิดสารตกค้าง ส่งผลต่อสุขภาพผู้บริโภค และสร้างผลกระทบต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม
คณะสถาปัตยกรรม ศิลปะและการออกแบบ
Thammadul Wellness Center is a health and wellness center focused on restoring balance to the body and mind through natural therapy and holistic care. Designed as a retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation, the center integrates alternative medicine, nutritional therapy, appropriate exercise, and an environment that promotes tranquility. The center offers a wide range of services, including Thai herbal spa treatments, yoga and meditation, nutritional counseling, and personalized health restoration programs. The architectural design emphasizes the use of natural materials and a setting that harmonizes with the surrounding environment, creating a serene atmosphere that allows visitors to reconnect with nature. Thammadul Wellness Center aims to promote the concept of holistic health care, emphasizing prevention rather than treatment, so that guests can adopt these wellness practices into their daily lives sustainably.
คณะสถาปัตยกรรม ศิลปะและการออกแบบ
When it comes to the general perception of death, it is often seen as something negative or inauspicious. However, the end or death of someone can sometimes be the beginning of change, influencing thoughts, lifestyles, and attitudes in a positive way for those around them. For students aged 13-18, accessing and understanding this topic remains a challenge. Most available information is often presented in complex forms that are difficult for young people to grasp. Moreover, teaching materials in schools often lack creativity and engagement, leading to a decline in students’ interest in this subject. To address this issue, a website has been designed as an accessible and creative resource. It aims to deepen young people's understanding of the impact of actions and the death of individuals on the world they live in, while inspiring them to become part of creating positive change for the future.
คณะสถาปัตยกรรม ศิลปะและการออกแบบ
This research aims to study the guidelines and develop a prototype of an application for public transport users to plan their journey and increase safety in using different types of public transport to travel to King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. The objectives are as follows: 1) To study the factors of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design that affect the users of the application for using public transport. 2) To study the needs of users of public transport applications who must travel to King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. 3) To present the guidelines for designing the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) and to produce a prototype of the application for using public transport to travel to King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. The research includes a review of the literature on User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design, as well as a look at examples of public transportation applications and pick-up sites near King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. This study is based on qualitative research. There are examples of employing relevant applications during the interview. The target audience is students aged 18 to 35 who will give prototypes for application development to satisfy their requirements. Provide information that is actually useful to users. The research results found that the public transport vehicles that the target group used the most were the Songthaew (the pick-up truck), train, airport rail link, motorcycle taxi, taxi, and bus, respectively. Users were concerned about various safety issues and wanted to design features to increase safety and confidence in using public transport vehicles for students, such as sending locations to relevant officials in the event of an emergency or when assistance was needed, and important information about public transport vehicles that students needed, such as calculating prices, calculating travel times, bus schedules, official and clear pick-up and drop-off points, bus routes, driver registration, suggestions or route recommendations, and the time of public transport vehicles arriving at the point where users were waiting, etc. The guidelines for designing the User Experience (UX) were presented from the analysis of the target group's data, which was a prioritization of the features of the menu for recording frequently used routes, a menu showing nearby pick-up points, a menu for searching for routes and selecting using various user constraints, such as calculating travel prices or travel times, and a menu that could set fonts and color modes to support a variety of users. This was because the study of user needs for fonts found an equal demand for Thai fonts with looped (Looped font) and without looped (Loopless font), as well as a study of the application's color requirements, which required both light and dark colors to be displayed in approximately equal amounts. This includes the design of the user interface (User Interface) by designing symbols that allow users to access the desired information quickly without confusion.