KMITL Innovation Expo 2025 Logo

Crispy Rice Berry Waffle

Crispy Rice Berry Waffle


Crispy Rice-berry Snack is a product made from broken rice-berry rice that has been processed into a snack that is thin and crispy, bite-sized. Broken rice-berry rice is cooked, finely ground, and mixed with other ingredients to increase its nutritional value, such as adding plant seeds, adding plant protein nutrients, and then forming it into sheets using heat. The resulting product is a thin sheet, purple-brown in color, crispy, and has the smell of the ingredients used in the production process. It does not contain sugar or sweeteners. It is used as a snack with tea or coffee. Crispy Rice-berry Waffle is a product that contains complete nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, and fat, which are derived from the ingredients in the production formula.


เป็นการเพิ่มมูลค่าใหักับข้าวหักไรซ์เบอร์ โดยนำมาแปรรูปเป็นผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารที่รับประทานได้ง่าย

Other Innovations

The Innovative Role of Recycled Aggregates in Concrete for Future Construction


The Innovative Role of Recycled Aggregates in Concrete for Future Construction

This research suggested natural hemp fiber-reinforced ropes (FRR) polymer usage to reinforce recycled aggregate square concrete columns that contain fired-clay solid brick aggregates in order to reduce the high costs associated with synthetic fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs). A total of 24 square columns of concrete were fabricated to conduct this study. The samples were tested under a monotonic axial compression load. The variables of interest were the strength of unconfined concrete and the number of FRRlayers. According to the results, the strengthened specimens demonstrated an increased compressive strength and ductility. Notably, the specimens with the smallest unconfined strength demonstrated the largest improvement in compressive strength and ductility. Particularly, the compressive strength and strain were enhanced by up to 181% and 564%, respectively. In order to predict the ultimate confined compressive stress and strain, this study investigated a number of analytical stress–strain models. A comparison of experimental and theoretical findings deduced that only a limited number of strength models resulted in close predictions, whereas an even larger scatter was observed for strain prediction. Machine learning was employed by using neural networks to predict the compressive strength. A dataset comprising 142 specimens strengthened with hemp FRP was extracted from the literature. The neural network was trained on the extracted dataset, and its performance was evaluated for the experimental results of this study, which demonstrated a close agreement.

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"Green and Smart City Innovation"+“APOLE” Cultural Product Design


"Green and Smart City Innovation"+“APOLE” Cultural Product Design

"Green and Smart City Innovation" is a concrete integration of social innovation and innovation for smart city in Chiang Rai Province with an interdisciplinary collabarative learning approach based on the research and development of learning in the area by the community. Project Title : “APOLE” Cultural Product Design: The Cultural Product Design Beyond. “City development that aims to improve the quality of life By increasing the efficiency of service city ​​management cost reduction and use of resources Emphasis is placed on the participation mechanisms of the public sector, private sector, public sector, and academic sector. Under the concept of developing a livable, modern, sustainable city that provides citizens in the city with a good quality of life. by leveraging technology and innovation as tools” to move towards a Smart City in the future The government sector uses technology as a driving force. Emphasis is placed on creating an infrastructure system. (Infrastructure) to be consistent with the living conditions of local people. By laying down telecommunications infrastructure, smart poles, arranging electrical wires and grounding communication cables. Installation of intelligent CCTV systems, air quality improvement, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) technology control systems, which help improve people's quality of life so that they can live with more quality.

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Eco-Smart Noise and Vibration Absorption Block for Railway


Eco-Smart Noise and Vibration Absorption Block for Railway

Nowadays, rail transportation has a significant impact on people's lives and economic growth. Consequently, the number of rail systems being built around our country has dramatically increased. This process causes various types of pollution, such as noise and rail-way vibration, which can badly affect the life of citizens who live nearby. The most popular way to solve this problem recently is to decrease the noise from the sound source or to adjust the vibration by attaching a Track Damper to the railway. This technique is being used in many countries especially in Europe and Australia because it is cheap and has high efficiency. The key piece called Track Dampers are made by AUT company’s Thailand for a period of time. The company produces Track Dampers for the owner of the technology so as to sell more than 300,000 pieces of it overseas. Furthermore, the demand of Track Dampers grows as the railway systems expand. Unfortunately, the imported synthetic materials, which are used to create Track Dampers, are made from environmentally unfriendly sources. As a result, this research aims to develop the product to be environmentally-safe by replacing some imported materials with Thai’s local content; which are natural rubber and rubber crumbs. Furthermore, the product will be added value by mounting with embedded sensors for real-time monitoring of track vibration, noise, and rail temperature. All embedded devices developed will sense, collect, and automatically send to cloud by wireless technology platform. The AI and IOT platform will also be developed for safety, security, and maintenance proposed of railway track system. However, in conducting research, there will be close collaboration with AUT company through design, production, and testing. The outcome of this research is to upgrade AUT company from tier 2 manufacturer (TRL 8-9) to tier 1 manufacturer (TRL 7-8) which will be served the Thailand competitiveness enhancing strategic goal.

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