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Other Innovations

Cooling suit with two-phase flow heat-exchange system


Cooling suit with two-phase flow heat-exchange system

Cooling suit with two-phase flow heat-exchange system is a state-of-the-art heat sink, designed for thermal dissipation in fire fighter, racing driver and worker who needs to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The liquid cooling system with gas injection can enhance heat transfer performance and continuously maintain the temperature at 18-20 degree Celsius.

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Website Design For Exploring Death and Historical Turning Points

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Website Design For Exploring Death and Historical Turning Points

When it comes to the general perception of death, it is often seen as something negative or inauspicious. However, the end or death of someone can sometimes be the beginning of change, influencing thoughts, lifestyles, and attitudes in a positive way for those around them. For students aged 13-18, accessing and understanding this topic remains a challenge. Most available information is often presented in complex forms that are difficult for young people to grasp. Moreover, teaching materials in schools often lack creativity and engagement, leading to a decline in students’ interest in this subject. To address this issue, a website has been designed as an accessible and creative resource. It aims to deepen young people's understanding of the impact of actions and the death of individuals on the world they live in, while inspiring them to become part of creating positive change for the future.

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Stirling Engine System for Green Energy


Stirling Engine System for Green Energy

Stirling engine is the external heated engine that heat is sup-plied externally to the heater part of the engine. Thus, Stirling cycle engine can be employed with various sources of renewable energy such as biomass, biofuel, solar energy, geothermal energy, recovery heat, and waste. The integration of gasifier, burner, and heat engine as a power system offers more fuel choices of each local area with potential resources resulting independent from shortage and cost fluctuation of fossil fuel. This research aims to investigate the integration of the Stirling engine with a wood pellet gasifier for electric power generation. Biomass can be controlled to have continuously combustion with ultra-low toxic emission. Stirling engine, therefore, is a promising alternative in small-scale-electricity production. Even though many biomass-powered Stirling engines were successfully constructed and marketed but these engines and the use of biomass resources as fuel for power generation are quite new concepts in some developing countries. Especially, the capital cost of this engine is high and unaffordable for installation compared to other power systems. Therefore, this research aims to the study attractive and feasibility of the compact Stirling engine with green energy.

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